Episode 55: The Art of Failing Forward w/ Rebecca Jones, Founder of Miss Munchin’s Cupcakes

In This Episode, Minority Trailblazer Rebecca shares;


How she started her cupcake business


What makes her cupcakes unique


How to position your product to solve a need


She was born and raised in East London, an avid foodie and travel enthusiast. She has loved in a variety of countries including USA, Mexico and France, she credited these life experiences as a catalyst to the creation of her business.

In 2013, after spending an excessive amount of money at Lola’s Cupcakes, with no background in baking, but an idea in her mind; she learned how to bake to reduce costs but increase her cupcake consumption! After realizing she was good at it, the notion of creating a business which incorporated her 3 loves, culture, travel and cupcakes, was born soon after and so the world’s first, ‘Culture-inspired cupcakes’ hit the town.

In 2016, she decided to go one step further with her global flavors and actually go global. Her Munchin’ Mission; set a goal to take her followers on a journey down memory lane. By making a quick detour to America; the first place that truly inspired, resulting in the creation of cupcakes which pay homage to each country.