Episode 50: The Miseducation Of a Traveler:The Secret to Growth, Travel & Opportunity w/One Young Traveler

In This Episode, Minority Trailblazer Aylin shares;


How she created One Young Traveler


How to Travel on a Budget


How to change your perspective


Aylin is a visual creator, aspiring UX designer and occasional photographer who has a thing for making clean and minimal user-friendly designs. She started blogging about my travels at OneYoungTraveler and found myself really intrigued with designing it. Eventually, she mingled my creative hobbies with my savvy tech side and fell into the world of digital design.

She loves sunflowers and sitting in coffee shops and she grew up in Germany but her first language was Turkish. Recent User Experience (UX) Design graduate from General Assembly. If you have a project you would like to work on together, don’t hesitate to reach out to her!