Episode 20: I Hired Myself : How I Left my Six-Figure Job to Travel The World w/ Rachel Hill

In This Episode, Minority Trailblazer Rachel shares;


How she was able to quit her 6 figure job to follow her passion


How she has utilized anxiety and depression to grow her business


How to travel on a budget and what NOT to do while traveling


She is self professed foodie, beach loving, tech geek, bookworm from Florida with a heart to travel. After battling with Anxiety Disorder and Depression. She left Corporate America to live in Purpose and fully indulge in my Wanderlust!

About Her Travel Blog,

Rachel Travels is a travel blog dedicated to encouraging and inspiring the Young, Black, and Cultured to travel the world, pursue your passions, and live free! The blog offers tips, tricks, and hacks on traveling on a budget but gaining a wealth of knowledge, interviews of other Kings & Queens traveling the world, some of my personal reflections, travel guides, and more!